Political consulting and campaign services are provided by Lee. He has advised and managed a number of political candidates over the years. Lee has served as campaign manager and consultant in a number of local and statewide races, for candidates ranging from the local school board to the governorship of Maine. These services are on a fee basis. We also design and provide campaign materials such as lawn signs, bumper stickers, lapel stickers, brochures and business cards.
We can also design effective newspaper ads, write radio copy and even provide a website. Contact us to help with your campaign.
Lee himself has been a candidate for elective office, and his campaign experience can be very useful to you. For example: During the 2008 election cycle Rand Advertising handled the advertising campaign for State Representative Jeff Gifford. Gifford won with 67% of the vote!
It’s not too early to be thinking about the next elections. Candidates we work for tend to win!

Copyright 2015 • Lee Rand